
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an infographic (or information graphic) is “a visual representation of information or data”.
If it needs to be more clear, an infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal texts that makes easy to overview general of topic. 

🔻Here some infographic examples :

Bandwagon’s vivid infographic “The Visual Web: A Love Story” includes a plethora of statistics on digital marketing. The infographic saves space by posting a link to its factual sources instead of listing all of them in the visual itself.
Read more about the infographic in example 1.

A village setting and colorful characters highlight important points in this educational infographic from USAID. A path binds the different graphic elements of the visual together, leading reader’s eyes down the design from top to bottom.
Read more about the infographic in example 2.

Infographics are great for making complex subjects easy to understand. They
  • provide a quick overview about the topic
  • compare multiple options at the same time
  • display findings and data
  • summerize long posts

I think infographics are pretty useful and should use in teaching. In that case, both teachers and learners will have fun and learning will be effective. Especially as teachers we can give students to make infographics by this way students summerize the topic and digest it perfectly after reading the whole topic.

I used Piktochart in order to create my infographic. 
See you next time!


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