Teaching and technology

                                                   TEACHING AND TECHNOLOGY

Technology is essential for education. Students don't just observe different ways of using technology; they use technology to reach educational goals more efficiently.

Technology offers tremendous promise for student learning and has ignited the imagination of those who are interested in bringing about revolutionary gains in the achievement of all students. Yet the use of technology in education also raises a whole host of challenges, including those related to cost-effectiveness, teacher professional development, assessment, equity, and safety. We are at the forefront of evidence-based, technology-driven classroom practices and online strategies that enhance learning for all students, especially those with special needs.

In my opinion, technology provides students and easy access to any kind of knowledge. They can learn through  different learning styles as they wish.  Teacher became more like a light in education with technology.  What I am saying with “light” is  student became more active with technologyand teacher are just show them “how”. And that change on the roles bring students an opportunity to be more and more creative, use and show their imagination. Besides that technology gives both teachers and students time. Unfortunately, like any other tool in teaching process, technology has con’s besides it’s pro’s. One may reach false information.  I think that as long as we use technology in teaching properly, it’s pro’s will fade away it’s con’s. As a prospective teacher I would like to use technology in my classes. For example I want to create a blog for my students to show them and their parents what we are doing in the class, I also want to add announcements to my blog. I believe that my future blog will help the course processing. If you have any ideas about using technology in teaching please comment down below. 


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