Hello everyone!
Water scarcity can mean scarcity in availability due to physical shortage, or scarcity in access. These generally vary from the failure of institutions to ensure a regular supply or due to a lack of adequate infrastructure.
Water scarcity already affects the whole world. Water use has been growing globally at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century, and an increasing number of regions are reaching the limit at which water services can be sustainably delivered, especially in arid regions.

In order to get everyone’s attention on water scarcity, me and my friends created a padlet page. You can reach deeper information from our padlet page.
Creating this project made me feel good. I felt like i was doing something really important about an important topic for our world. I had a lot of fun and also learned new things about poverty, droughts and diseases linked to the water scarcity. Beside all of the now i have more information about how to prevent the world from water scarcity. Hope you all enjoy this padlet page we create. See you next time!💦


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