Digital storytelling! This is the thing that I have been waiting for a long time because of my interests. I like creating new videos and thanks to this project I have found new ways of creating videos. New, easy and very funny ways...
I use the Animoto site for this project. This was the first time I ever use the site. I found Animoto pretty easy-to-use and functional. Before you start it shows you how to create a video step-by-step. You can add photos and audio records easily.
My friend Dilara and I prepare a video about the steps of baking a cake.

This is the cake.😍😍
First, we searched for photos on Google and took the recipe from After writing the titles on every page (block in Animoto), we add audio records of us telling the progress of how to bake a cake.
 I haven't face any difficulty on this project, on the contrary, I enjoy every moment of it! Digital storytelling not only give me a chance to practice my pronunciation but it also I found a new area which I can be creative anytime I want. I will definitely give similar tasks to my students in the future.
Stay creative and have fun!

Here is our video on Animoto:
An this is my friend Dilara's blog if you want to see:


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