Poster presentation


It is time to show you guys my online poster. Here is the link :

My task partner Dilara Tahtasız and I created this poster.
We use the website Poster My Wall . It was easy to use and pretty fun. You can do more than creating an online poster in this site like invitation, menu, etc. We choose the movie The Fault in Our Stars adopted from a book. This movie is like a “home” to me. I have watched it a houndred times. Whenever I feel blue The Fault in Our Stars has always been the place to escape my bad feelings to me and made me to remember that I am not the only one who has been hurting in this world.💙

So what is your favorite movie. Leave a comment in the down below. Hope you like our poster! I would like to see yours, too.

Take care🙋🏻‍♀️


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