21st Century Learning and Technology


             21st Century Learning and Technology

                The century of evolution, innovation and variation.  21st century! As we all know, technology affects education both directly and indirectly in various aspects. With the development of technology, we experience a lot of development in learning.  Before 21st century technology, learning did not involve learners much so learners had a passive role. In the 21st century that changed. Now learners have an active role. The direct effects of technology indirectly cause that change. Let me clear my words. Nowadays we have a lot of different programs, apps for learning. Social networks increase the interaction between both learners and teacher-learner. This cause competition because diversity increased. In that situation one who wants to be successful she needs to be noticeable. These kinds of changes lead the learner model an inevitable change form a passive role to an active role. 

              Apart from this, technology has also bad effects on learning. Nowadays any kind of knowledge is pretty accessible for learners. In my belief, this makes learners lazy and even make the knowledge they take are not memorized well-enough. Because you know that this knowledge is one click away so brain acts like it doesn't need to keep it a long time. 

              After all, with pros and cons, 21st-century learning has changed us a lot, and it keeps changing... 


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